Tag Archives: Yellowknife

NWT Air welcomed its third Boeing 737 jet to Yellowknife this week with Capt. Searle Hartman and Henry Tenby

NWT Air welcomed its third Boeing 737 jet to Yellowknife this week with Capt. Searle Hartman and Henry Tenby

The Yellowknifer Newspaper, September 4, 1992 Flashback NWT Air welcomed its third Boeing 737 jet to Yellowknife this week after months of anticipation. The $6 million combination cargo-passenger aircraft means the airline won’t have to lease replacements from Echo Bay Mines while it’s two other 737s are grounded for yearly month-long inspections. “We definitely needed […]

Aircraft Fill Enthusiast’s Every Waking Hour – Henry Tenby in Yellowknife 1992

Henry Tenby has become a regular sight on the rocks behind the Air Tindi float base, where he spends much of his spare time getting pictures of exotic float planes.

by Francis Thompson, Norther News Service, Monday, August 3, 1992 Yellowknife Talking to Henry Tenby is like discovering a new and exotic culture. Tenby is an aviation enthusiast, and airplanes occupy most of his waking life. He works for an airline, builds model airplanes in his spare time, spends his evenings down by the Air […]