Product Description
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Few aircraft are more at home in the harsh arctic and the wilds of Northern Canada than the reliable, rugged Hawker Siddeley HS748. Many of these excellent, British-built propliners served in Canada over the years, as operators found them ideal on short, gravel strips. Their Dart engines boast plenty of power, and their 11,000-pound payload is ideal for hauling cargo in Canada’s remote North. They can also carry 44-50 passengers in warm comfort and speed.
In this program, we join airline videographer Henry Tenby for 86 ear-piercing minutes of HS748 action. Bring your ear defenders and woolies, as we’re going on three trips out of Yellowknife with First Air. You’ll enjoy time on the flight deck, back in the cargo hold, as well as time in the passenger cabin, enjoying life on the HS748 as she earns her keep. We’ll even help the locals unload hand-balmed cargo on arrival at Spence Bay.
This program features lots of ear-splitting exterior footage showing HS748s at work with First Air and other operators as well, including Air North, Air Creebec, and Calm Air. High fuel prices are now bringing the days of HS748 operations to an end. This program forever preserves the memory of the HS748 in Canada, for generations to come!
DVD Programs
Bradley HS748
YZF startup C-GBFA 1993
Landing YHK C-GBFA
Landing YHK C-GBFA 1993
Unloading cargo at YHK 1993
YZF to Slave Lake
Save Lake landing
Slave Lake departure
Whitehorse Air Noth Operations
Air Creebec Timmin operations
First Air C-GDUN take-off
First Air C-GCUK take-off
Calm Air Rankin Inlet operations
YZF-YHK on C-GFNW 1995
Inflight aboard C-GFNW 1995
Landing YHK on C-GFNW 1995
Night landing YZF on C-GFNW 1995
Total running time: 86 minutes
4X3 format
This DVD is available in NTSC region-free format which will work on all current European DVD players.

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