Tag Archives: 737-200

NWT Air welcomed its third Boeing 737 jet to Yellowknife this week with Capt. Searle Hartman and Henry Tenby

NWT Air welcomed its third Boeing 737 jet to Yellowknife this week with Capt. Searle Hartman and Henry Tenby

The Yellowknifer Newspaper, September 4, 1992 Flashback NWT Air welcomed its third Boeing 737 jet to Yellowknife this week after months of anticipation. The $6 million combination cargo-passenger aircraft means the airline won’t have to lease replacements from Echo Bay Mines while it’s two other 737s are grounded for yearly month-long inspections. “We definitely needed […]

zip Canada’s Flying Colours story and photos by Henry Tenby

zip 737-200

zip Canada’s Flying Colours story and photos by Henry Tenby Airliners Magazine, January-February, 2005 Back in 2002 to 2004, zip successfully helped their parent Air Canada compete against its largest domestic competitor, and paved the way for Air Canada to set out on its post-bankrupcy strategy. Of course when we look back today ten years […]